You may never have considered it before, but as light impacts virtually every cell in your body, it has a significant influence on your health, happiness and productivity – and all the roles you play in life.

If you’d like to feel lighter and brighter all year round – more energised, joyful and productive – you’re in the right place! Find out more about light nutrition, check out our services, and get in touch if there’s anything we can help you with.

Improved light nutrition can help you:

Increase your energy, motivation and productivity – reduce tiredness and fatigue.
Reduce irritability to enjoy calmer, happier relationships.
Enjoy more ease and pleasure by aligning with your natural rhythms, preventing seasonal boom-and-bust burnout cycles – and the guilt and shame that come with these.
Stay healthy for longer – prevent a wide range of chronic health conditions that are linked with sleep and circadian rhythm disruption and reduced quality of life.
Bring your A-game to your career, business, family, passion project, and community support.
Achieve your other health and life goals such as to exercise more, lose or manage weight, eat healthier, spend more or better quality time with family and friends, manage stress, improve mental health, get better sleep.

Light nutrition is individual

How much light we need, the type we need and at what time of day is what we mean by light nutrition’. It’s individual to you, with a range of factors that determine your needs:

Your chronotype

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, or somewhere in-between

Your environment

The natural and artificial light you’re exposed to where you spend your time

Your geography

Where in the world you are and its weather patterns

Your seasonality

How sensitive you are to changing seasons

Your demographics

Your gender, age and race

Neina Sheldon, Director of Lightopia CIC

Want to make light nutrition work for you?

Neina Sheldon is a One of manyTM Certified Women’s Coach who has been on a journey of understanding and managing light nutrition since 2003. She can work with individuals delivering one-to-one coaching packages or consultancy, as well as group introductory workshops. Please get in touch to discuss your needs.

“A perfect mix of practical and easy-to-implement tips.”

“Neina is an expert on her topic who shares her message with compassion, warmth and empathy. Her workshops are clear and concise while allowing plenty of time to reflect on her teaching and come away with a plan to feel the benefits of proper light nutrition. 

The session was a perfect mix of practical and easy-to-implement tips that you can add into your day to quickly feel the results. I’d recommend this session to anyone who is keen to learn how to support their wellbeing in a natural way and boost their energy levels at the same time. 

After attending Neina’s workshop a few weeks ago I made the decision to purchase a light box. I felt confident that I knew exactly how the light box would support my wellbeing and I followed Neina’s helpful guide on how to select the best light box for me and I’m already feeling the benefits of using it after only a couple of weeks.”
– ChronoVital workshop –

“Helps me show myself more compassion.”

“I found it helpful to understand more about why we need light and how it can benefit us at certain times. The practical strategies were very useful too. Understanding more helps me to show myself more compassion and do things to support myself”.

“Helped identify seasonal patterns.”

“Clearly presented with the right amount of background info. Completing the workbook helped me to identify some of the seasonal patterns in my behaviour and health. Lots of takeaways and some practical steps that will stick with me.”

UK Light Spaces

Use this map to find nearby indoor spaces that enjoy an abundance of natural light… ideal for those times when it’s cold and/or wet outside and you want to be inside, but you still want to enjoy natural light. You can use the icon in the top left of the map to toggle different types of venue.

Know a place with loads of natural light that is open to the public during the daytime? Please email your suggestion. 🙂

Did you know…?

  • When we don’t meet our light nutrition needs we can experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and Winter Blues – nearly a third of the UK adult population do for up to half of every year – affecting our energy, mood and productivity.
  • We’ve become an indoor generation, spending 90% of our time indoors – contributing to an estimated 20% of adults and 16% of children being Vitamin D deficient, which leads to a range of physical and mental health issues.
  • Three-quarters of UK adults experience sleep problems.
  • Our light nutrition needs can change across the day, week, month and year as well as across our lifetime.

Looking for some quick tips to start making positive changes right now?

Our top tips are a mix of physical, mental and environmental changes you can make to help you live life to the full – and most of them are completely free to do!

Click the image to download a PDF copy of 10 ways to live your light ideal – feel free to print it out so you can keep it somewhere handy to remind you (no sign-up required).

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